Sunday, July 25, 2021

Legend of Dragoon - Chapter 15: Moon That Never Sets

Once Dart and Rose have taken the road of souls in the Death City Mayfil, there is no turning back. Pick up the Spectral Flash chest before proceeding into the room holding the Signet Sphere. The Signet appears to be safe, but, as you'd expect, Zieg is just toying with the group. He easily deflects Dart's Dragoon attack and shatters the last Signet with the Moon Gem, before leaving for the Moon That Never Sets with Shana. The party isn't about to give up yet though: as long as they can prevent the God of Destruction's birth, there is still hope. Thankfully (Even though I thought he said he couldn't get near Mayfil?), Coolon will pick the party up to take them to the Moon.
Outside, the end of the world has begun. The Divine Tree has once again sprouted and taken root; catching the rapidly falling Moon That Never Sets from the sky in its grasp. Virages, protectors of the God of Destruction, are being birthed by the Moon and sent out against the defenseless world.

Coolon and the party will be intercepted by the horde of Virages, with Coolon taking a fatal wound, but managing to position the party at the base of the Divine Tree. We're going to have climb up the massive Tree in order to reach the Moon.
The trek up the Divine Tree, which is a one-time dungeon, is entirely linear, but watch for any encounters with the Cute Cat monster. Once their HP gets low, they'll use Dance of Death to inflict instant death, but they're important for another reason.

Cute Cats VERY rarely drop the best footwear in the game for the ladies, the Dancer's Shoes. Since you already have one pair, you're going to need, at least, two others; or three if you have Shana. Don't expect these to come easily: it took me almost an entire day to get three of them to drop. Also, once you ascend up to the Moon That Never Sets, you cannot return to the Divine Tree, so you need to get these now.
On the screen north of the save point, there's an alcove on the left-side of the screen Dart can enter, and if you look closely, there is a slight sparkle on the ground. Search it to obtain a Phoenix Plume helmet. From there, like stated, the Divine Tree is totally linear, with almost no treasures, but on your advance, you can search other "sparkles" along the area to see scenes with new fruit that is being produced by the ancient Tree.

At the end of a long, spiral-like twist in the Tree, the party can use a lifestream from the Divine Tree to the Moon to move further up the area. Note: once you take this stream, you cannot return to the base again. At the top, the group's arrival will disturb a newborn "fruit" that slithers off and you can take the Silver DG Armor, indicated by a sparkle, from the base of the stream's root. Obviously, if you have the Legend equipment, you don't need this, but if not, this is Miranda/Shana's second-best armor. There's also a puddle formed by the lifestream on the right-side of the screen that will instantly heal the party, with a save point two screens to the north, making this the ideal time and place to farm Dancer's Shoes. The southwestern exit from the save point will lead to be a boss, so come prepared.
Apparently, this new species born from the Divine Tree is hostile and will evolve into three different forms throughout the battle. If you've got the Legend equipment, this, along with the rest of the bosses, will be no match for your party, but if not, I will provide some tips going forward. Without said equipment, consider equipping the Rainbow Earring on a character, with the others have Phoenix Plumes and/or Rainbow Dresses to prevent status effects that dominate this fight. A Talisman could be nice, also, if you don't have several Angel's Prayers. On the first and second form, the latter of which will have no offense at all, just use your basic additions and hold your Dragoon forms for the third, butterfly-like, transformation. Throw your Power/Speed Down items on the Imago, assume Dragoon forms to escape its status effects, then hopefully avoiding the instant death attack, pummel (Sabin-style) it into submission. You'll receive a Sun Rhapsody, Moon Serenade, and Healing Rain upon victory.

The following screen leads to the lifestream that connects directly to the Moon That Never Sets. Make absolutely sure you've got all of the Dancer's Shoes you want before entering; once inside the Moon, you cannot return to the Divine Tree.
Now within the final dungeon itself, each monster you encounter will have a different rare drop, but ones we've already seen before. That said, I'm going to list them, rather than cover them individually like I have been. The first section of the Moon That Never Sets you will find these monsters and their drops:

Swift Dragon: Burning Wave
Unicorn: Healing Rain
Trap Plant (Forest, then found again later): Frozen Jet

Some of the "special" monsters from the world map will appear, also, but rarely, and only on certain screens, but I will make note when we can find them. On the Moon, proceed to the right and the party will see the Virage Embryo in the distance, waiting to be born. They are then swept up in a dazzling light emanating from the Embryo...
The party then finds themselves in the middle of a forest, but the veiny-looking terrain, plus the audible heartbeat of the God of Destruction, suggests they are still within the Moon somewhere. Cross the small bridge to the lower-right of the screen to open a Frozen Jet treasure chest, then exit out to a prairie area to the east. Pass through the grassland further to the east and the group finds a wintry forest; of which Miranda finds strangely familiar and will then rush off on her own.

In the middle of a small, dark plot, Miranda finds a solitary rose. This triggers a flashback where Miranda remembers this being the location of where her mother abandoned her and her father. Suddenly, the rose comes to life and throws Miranda into a battle. Like all of the solo battles inside the Moon, this is story-driven and not really a boss fight. Simply keep attacking with Miranda and her mother will slowly regain her senses and attempt to explain why she left her. To end the battle, have Miranda select "I'll forgiven you" and both Miranda and her mother will find peace with one another; you're then awarded 6000 EXP. Note: For those using Lavitz and Shana, you'll lose them at this point, and will continue to lose them up until the end of the dungeon. That said, it's best to just wait until then to add them back to your party.
The party back together, open the chest containing a Down Burst in the lower-right corner of the snow-covered area, then exit through the veiny cove to the lower-left. Continue through the passage to enter the human section of the Moon That Never Sets: Serdio of 20 years ago. The group, particularly Haschel, will take notice of a young girl who, when notices your presence, walks away and through a mirror. The reflection of Serdio has everything you need: an inn, clinic, and both item and weapon shops. For scenes, talk to the person by the piano (Who's hands can't reach the keys), who will play a familiar tune to both Dart and Haschel, plus a very old friend of Albert's is in the tavern, Dran.

The item shop has your basic essentials, but also Panic Bells and Poison Needles, which were placed here because of the "special" monsters that are still available. At the weapon shop, you can buy a Claymore for Dart, if you aren't keen on using the Soul Eater, plus a Halberd for Albert/Lavitz, their best weapon, if you didn't get one from Zackwell. Meru's Basher, which is her best weapon, is also for purchase, although is featureless. However, the Destroyer Mace, that is Haschel's strongest weapon, has an excellent addition. When Haschel's HP drops near half (Yellow), his attack power increases by 50%; then when near death (Red), it doubles! Lastly, purchase a Violet DG Armor, that you can't find elsewhere, for your inventory, but leave the Gold DG Armor, we will find one later. Besides the Armor of Legend, these are Haschel and Kongol's second-best armor, respectively. You can also find several of the best accessories for sale here, like the Attack Badge and Magical Ring.
Follow the young girl into the mirror to exit out into the Minitos area of the Moon. In the lower-left corner of the cavern, inside a small home, Dart can find 200G, then trail after the girl to the southeast. Here, there's a Spectral Flash item nearby, and Dart can continue further on to the south, then exit to the southeast again. Near the start of the next screen, Haschel will separate from the group, to follow the girl, his daughter Claire, into the Moon's vortex.

Like Miranda, Haschel will be forced to confront a painful memory of his past. Claire's anger at her father's vigorous training of her, and denying her the chance to be a regular girl, has manifested itself in the form of a demon War God that has a tight hold on her. She'll frequently use an attack that drops Haschel's HP to 1, but there is no need to waste an item, instead, just Guard twice, then continue to attack. Once given the choice, select "Mind's eye, Awaken!" to end the battle. Haschel then rejoins the group, having saved both he and Claire's tortured hearts. Note: I'm sure for most, it's obvious, but for those that may not have been paying much attention: Claire was Zieg's wife from Neet and Dart is their son, making Dart, Haschel's grandson, although Dart is completely oblivious to everything, like usual.

If you continue down the linear path beyond the vortex where Haschel fought Claire, you'll be walking a long way to a treasure chest holding a Flash Hall item.
However, in the area containing the Flash Hall, you can occasionally encounter the Lucky Jar enemy. Remember, you need either Miranda/Shana's Virulent Arrow weapon or a Poison Needle item to deal poison damage in order to defeat it. A Moon Serenade, 300 Gold, and 1000 EXP is still your reward for defeating them. Now, return to the Serdian town and exit through the southern door that was previously being guarded by a knight. You'll be in the courtyard outside of Emperor Doel's castle, who is away at the Home of Gigantos at the moment, but you can talk to a very young Lavitz before using the western vortex to continue further within the Moon.

In the passageways on either side of the Serdian town, you can still encounter Rainbow Birds. Although, with a much better way to gain EXP coming up, these are only useful if you need to add a Rainbow Dress to your inventory. Without Sachets, though, you'll have to rely on them damaging themselves via a Panic Bell that is hardly reliable, but still doable in theory.
Passing through, you'll appear out in the translucent, Wingly area of the Moon. There are two new enemies to encounter here, along with the usual Unicorns. Psyche Druids carry Spectral Flashes to drop, while the annoying Roulette Faces, that like to use an instant death attack when low on HP, you can acquire Night Raids from.

Stick to the left-side of the Wingly area and when the party attempts to pass over a crystalline walkway, they will be separated by an unexpected attack from Rose's former Dragon, Michael. From Albert's perspective, his group will have landed in a Holy Land of the Gigantos. In the distance, the sounds of battle can be heard as, apparently, Crafty Thieves are somehow managing to commit genocide on the Gigantos, before Doel arrives and rescues a frightened, adolescent Kongol.
While in control of Albert, even though there are monsters within the Moon's Giganto area, you will not encounter any with him. Once you climb the massive stairs to the north, an emotional Kongol will leave to deal with his own past transgressions with his brother Indora who is awaiting him. Unlike the two previous story battles, Kongol just needs to deplete Indora's HP here. Use the Material Shield, if you want, and just complete your additions to easily defeat him.

Indora leaves behind Indora's Axe, which is the best weapon in the game for Kongol, and also much stronger than Dart's Soul Eater, along with a chance at instant death upon striking an enemy. Also, if for whatever reason you still don't have the Golden Dragon Dragoon Spirit, Indora will give it to Kongol afterward and acknowledge him as the hero of the Gigantos race; freeing a heavy burden on Kongol's heart of finally surpassing his admired brother.
Back in control of Albert, just like the Home of Gigantos, use the stairwell to enter an underground area. Pull the level on the left-side of the room to open the jail door and plunder the Gold DG Armor from the cell. If you don't have an Armor of Legend, equip Kongol with this. With the chest opened, exit back out to the central Gigantos area, then pass over to the vortex on the western end of the screen. You'll then be back in the Minitos area, across from where Haschel fought Claire. Return to town and the group will agree to wait there for Dart and the perspective switches to him and Rose.

Dart and Rose landed in the Dragon area of the Moon That Never Sets. There are new monsters here, but I will cover them once our party is back together, so for now, just focus on finishing the section. In control of Dart, pass by the baby pseudo dragons, and exit to the northeast. If you don't have a Legend Casque for Dart, consider equipping him with the Darkness Stone accessory before proceeding. Continue north, grabbing the nearby Night Raid treasure, passing by the exit of the Dragon area, and wrapping around to the southeastern exit above. Follow the narrow path and jump down to a Burning Wave item, then retrace your steps north again, using the northern-most exit this time. Here, you'll see a scene from back during the Dragon Campaign, where Zieg and Rose came to this location to hunt a Dragon for its Darkness Dragoon Spirit and afterwards, how Michael became her vassal Dragon.
Unfortunately, the story did not have a happy ending and Michael's savagery led Rose to have no choice but to kill him herself. Back for revenge, Dart and Rose are then thrown into a story battle with Michael. Until we get a special prompt, we cannot damage Michael, so just do nothing but Guard. His darkness-based attacks can deal some moderate damage, but of no consequence with the Legend equipment. However, without, hopefully you equipped Dart with the Darkness Stone to keep from wasting any items. When prompted, have Rose to "Tell Dart the blind spot.", then once Michael uses his black laser attack on the duo once more, the Core portion of the Dragon is exposed and easily defeated in one, or two turns.

Rose's guilt over having killed Michael herself having been lifted, you can now exit the Dragon area via the blue-lit cavern you passed by on the previous screen. This takes you to a T-shaped passage, between the Serdian town to the south and the Mille Seseau forest to the east. The party is reunited inside the town, but it looks as if it is time for Albert to confront his uncle, Doel, now that he is back from the Holy Land of Gigantos. Step back outside to the courtyard and speak with the castle guards, who will let Albert inside. Albert demands to know the truth about why Doel killed his father, but of course, this isn't going to happen without a battle.
You can't target Dark Doel without first taking out his two weapons: Light Sword and Shadow Blade. Have Albert throw the Psyche Bomb X to destroy them both easily, otherwise, it may take a bit to land an addition on the evasion-prone weapons. Once both weapons are gone, taking Doel out is easy. Doel didn't have any apparent reasoning for killing Albert's father Carlo, other than for the power, but he is happy to know that Serdio is in Albert's hands, just like Carlo wanted, and with the truth revealed, Albert rejoins Dart and company.

We're inching our way towards the game's finale, but first, let's take a look back at the two previous areas our separate groups visited. First, the Holy Land of Gigantos, with Dart as leader, you can encounter a new monster there. Remember: the entrance to this area is in the Minitos section, across from the area Haschel had his story battle. Trap Plants are encountered here again, along with Psyche Druids, and the new Mad Skull enemy, that drops the Flash Hall item. If you're looking to add to your Gold stash, the duo Psyche Druid battle here is actually the best way to farm Gold inside the final dungeon, with 168 given per battle, along with 1000+ EXP.
If you're looking to maximize your EXP, and make it to level 60 (Max), the Dragon section is where you want to be. There are two new monsters in it: Air Combat, that can drop Down Burst items, and the Triceratops, who carry Gravity Grabbers.

The latter also provides the most EXP of non-boss monsters in the game, besides the Rainbow Bird, at 2000 EXP a battle, along with a healthy 120G addition. These are most-frequently encountered on the very first screen of the Dragon section, that leads north to the area Dart and Rose fought Michael. If you're going to make it to max level, you'll be spending a lot of time on this screen, trust me. When ready to continue with the dungeon, make your way back to the Wingly section, past the bridge Michael attacked the party, and follow the linear path to the Wingly castle.
As you approach, Meru will be separated from the others and forced to confront the Wingly deity, the Archangel. This is almost entirely story-driven, as it will mouth-off about how Meru broke the Wingly commandments not to leave the Forest, with her defending her actions and the belief that humans and Winglies can coexist together.

Like Claire, Archangel will repeatedly use a summon that drops Meru's HP down to 1. Don't waste your items; just Guard, and eventually Meru will tell the Archangel to get lost and the battle is won. Those Wingly soldiers Archangel summons look an awful lot like Vector soldiers from Final Fantasy VI though, right? I digress...Anyway, once Archangel is defeated, the party will regroup in front of a pillar of light that will take you into the Core of the Moon. For Shana/Lavitz users, there are two upcoming boss fights, so I would recommend you add them back to your party, even though you will have to use the code once more before the final battle takes place.
Inside of the core, along with the usual suspects, the party can rarely find the 00PARTS enemy. Still giving a Spirit Potion and 600 Gold upon defeat, at this point, there's not much use in battling with it. If you're looking to maximize your Gold savings, even though it gives the highest amount in the Moon That Never Sets, its low encounter rate makes fighting the Psyche Druid duos in the Giganto area a more reasonable method, in my opinion.
The Moon's core is a weird, digital-looking space with flashing panels like computer monitors. On the first screen, follow the fragmented pathway to the doorway in the upper-left. Here, open the Gravity Grabber treasure to the north of the entrance and make your way around to the lower-left exit. There will be a save point and a vision of the burning Neet on the large group of monitors, which will quickly change to a Virage when the party gets near. Sure enough, in the room beyond, a Super Virage is guarding the entrance to the holding place of the Virage Embryo.

If you've got the Legend equipment, obviously, this thing is of no threat to you. However, without it, it can put up a decent enough fight. You can win the battle by either destroying its Head or Body; with the Head having lower HP, but will unleashed a final attack upon the party once defeated, whereas, the Body will not, so I recommend if you don't have the Legend equipment that you put your focus on the Body, but either way, ignore the Arm. Make use of the Power Up, Speed Down items, along with the Psyche Bomb X, paired with your best attacks to bring the final Virage down.
After the battle, there is another boss immediately forthcoming, so you may need to return to the Serdian town to rest. Past the guardian Super Virage is the resting place of the God of Destruction. You'll find the final save point in the game and also the last treasure chest, containing the Detonate Arrow weapon for Miranda/Shana. While, power-wise, their best weapon, it's debatable whether it could be considered better than the Arrow of Force. Honestly, the +10 in power of the Detonate Arrow, even with the weapon being able to attack all enemies, doesn't make up for the loss of the +50% increase in SP gain from the Arrow of Force. Per attack, you gain over two Dragoon forms of SP with the Arrow of Force, while only one and a half from the Detonate Arrow, but you decide for yourself which you would prefer. I think they really dropped the ball with the Detonate Arrow being physically based, instead of dealing magical damage, like the Detonate Rock item, in my view. Before continuing, if you don't have the Legend equipment, make sure Dart has the Red DG Armor equipped and another character, especially Meru, has the Red-Eye Stone as their accessory.

Zieg is waiting for the party before the developing Virage Embryo, with Shana at its core. Zieg then swipes the Red-Eyed Dragoon Spirit (Gone from your inventory) from Dart and uses it to impart the power of the Flame Dragoon against the party.
Zieg (Feld?) assaults the party with endless fire magic, so if you made the beforehand preparations without the Legend equipment, you should be fine. Throw the Power/Speed Down items on Zieg, then hammer away at him. Zieg uses the same magic as Dart had, with different animations, which are worth seeing at least once. If you brought Meru, protected by the Red-Eye Stone accessory, use the Power Up item on her and cast Freezing Ring or Sea Dragon to devastate Mr. Feld. Unfortunately, when the battle is won, Dart does not get his Flame Dragoon Spirit back.

Defeated, the exterior of Zieg will finally be shed, revealing him to, in fact, be the ancient Wingly dictator, Melbu Frahma. During the Dragon Campaign, when Melbu used the stone curse spell on Zieg, it actually transferred his consciousness into him, which lay dormant until the Black Monster's attack on Neet, when Melbu was finally able to take control of Zieg. Melbu Frahma will then depose Shana from the God of Destruction's core, and assume it himself, claiming his status as the true God.
Unexpectedly, Lloyd will appear and challenge Melbu, who had been manipulating him from the very start. Perhaps ironically, Lloyd meets a similar fate as Lavitz, and before dying, leaves the Divine Dragon DS for Dart and the Dragon Buster for Rose. The Dragon Buster, Rose's best weapon, has a +100 attack power; even higher than Indora's Axe, and combined with a maxed Demon's Dance addition, makes her the highest damage dealer outside of Dragoon form. With the acquisition of these two items, you should now have all of the items in the game!

Dart has become the goofy-looking Divine Dragoon, now. In my opinion, I think taking away the Flame Dragoon after having it for 99% of the game, was a really bad decision, but there's no denying that the Divine Dragoon is significantly stronger than its predecessor. Divine DG Cannon is easily the strongest magic attack in the game, although one could argue that 3x Final Burst + 1x Flameshot is economically better for the MP than two shots of the Cannon. For the upcoming final battle, you could consider giving Dart the Claymore weapon, and then the Amulet for increased MP.
The Divine Dragoon, itself, is a non-elemental beast, but Dart, outside of Dragoon form, retains his red-based status. However, the Divine Dragoon's "Special" command employs a unique field aura that has no effect on the monsters or allies, but significantly increases Dart's parameters. All this said, I just don't like the Divine Dragoon, and prefer Dart as the Flame Dragoon. Thankfully, we can use a code to return Dart to his former self, if you'd like:

300BAD64 007F

This will remove the Divine Dragon DS from your inventory, and add the Red Dragon DS back. Unfortunately, you cannot keep both as if you have the Divine Spirit in your inventory, it always overrides the use of the Red Spirit. Speaking of codes, Shana and Lavitz were removed from your party for the last time after the Zieg battle, and can be added back to the group and fully usable during the final battle with zero issues.

The final battle between Melbu Frahma and the Dragoons is now imminent. If you have the Legend equipment, the four upcoming forms of Melbu are a breeze, however, without, he can present a serious challenge if not fully prepared. For those without, a couple of recommendations below:
  • Dart (Divine Dragoon) equipped with the Claymore, Magical Hat, and Amulet.
  • Miranda/Shana/Meru equipped with Dragon Helm and Mage Ring.
  • At least five Healing Rain (Unicorns) and three Moon Serenades (Lucky Jars).
  • Two Depetrifiers and a couple of Mind/Body Purifiers and Angel's Prayers.
  • Have several, of any element, items such as Burning Wave, Flash Hall, ect.
  • Save your Psyche Bomb X, Power/Speed items for Melbu Frahma's last form.
When prepared, switch in your favorite party members, and approach Melbu Frahma to instigate the battle for the future of Endiness.
Melbu's first form comes with four Tentacle appendages that function as much as nuances than anything. Save your Dragoon forms and have your physical attackers target Melbu with additions, while your mages throw magic items, like Gravity Grabber, to hopefully dispose of the Tentacles, but make sure to save the Psyche Bomb X for later. Watch for Melbu to take a defensive stance, where he draws the Tentacles around him, and at this point, Guard until he drops the position; attempting to attack during this will result in a counter attack or a miss, however, you can still use magic items. Otherwise, you only need to fend off Melbu's Virage summon attack, that deals a moderate amount of damage, and his ability to potentially petrify a character. If a character gets petrified, and you didn't bring a Depetrifier, or have Miranda/Shana or Meru to cast Moon Light/Rainbow Breath, immediately use your Dragoon "Special" to cancel the petrification, as it will not heal on its own. Once a set amount of damage is dealt, Melbu Frahma will shift to his second form.

Melbu's some kind of space-thing here, and his moveset has entirely changed. Besides a beam-saber attack, he'll capture one of your characters and hold it hostage much like the Windigo boss from disc 3. He'll hold the character for several turns, then blast the character back at you for heavy damage on both the character who is hit and the unfortunate launchee. He'll also use a Divine Dragon Cannon-like magic when he has an ally in his possession. Go ahead and bring out your Dragoons starting here and use your best magic and additions depending on the character, but if you didn't bring a supply of MP restoration items, save your MP; particularly Dart's. Continue to save the rest of your magic items, too, the Psyche Bomb X, and Power/Speed items for the coming forms. Melbu Frahma will then transform yet again, through the generations, when he's taken enough damage.
He's a spaceship, now, I guess. Things get a bit nasty from this point. Melbu's got a wide variety of attacks now, some of which are fire-based, and they change depending on whether the backdrop is either night or day. Particularly, during the night phase, Melbu is at his worse. He's still using a similar Cannon shot like the Divine Dragon, and some heavy multi-character magics. If he throws out Bomb Stars to fight alongside him, use any remaining magic items, except for the Psyche Bomb X, to attempt to take them out before they suicide on you and cause damage. Still use your Dragoons, but try to keep your SP and MP gauges high, along with item conservation, for the inevitability of when Melbu transcends to his final form.

This is it: the true final battle; time to pull out all of the stops. Begin with throwing Power/Speed Down on Melbu, then Power/Speed Up on Dart, and unleashing the Divine Dragon Cannon with all of your remaining MP. Be wary, however, and keep a least one character in human form, because this form of Melbu Frahma can use the Dragon Block Staff, then summon two "Monster" minions to his side. As soon as the Monsters enter the battle, throw the Psyche Bomb X to immediately eliminate them; they are potentially just as dangerous as Melbu, himself. The Monsters can inflict instant death, but also have a strange ability to swap places with one of your characters for three turns. When the Monster's turn comes around, you can use a "Special" command to restore your HP, interestingly enough. Despite this, you want to prevent this from happening and eliminate the Monsters as soon as possible. In addition, Melbu casts similar unique magic that was only used by Faust, and as such, make use of the Magic Shield on characters like Kongol and Albert/Lavitz. Since this is the last battle, use any items necessary to survive. When Melbu's HP is gone, Dart will automatically transform, if he isn't already, into the Divine Dragoon (Even if using Flame Dragoon), and blast him one final time with the DG Cannon, ending the battle.
Melbu Frahma will then explode, as Dart swoops in to protect a fallen Shana. However, Melbu is hardly finished with the group...

Grown into an even more grotesque form; refusing to be defeated, Zieg and Rose will team up to stop Melbu, while Dart, Shana, and the Dragoons escape from the increasingly-unstable Moon That Never Sets. The duo, saying their goodbyes to an emotional Dart, plunge into Melbu Frahma, eliminating him completely, while Dart and friends battle their way through the mass of Virages attempting to stop their escape. Outside, they watch as the Moon explodes, taking much of the Divine Tree with it.
The world now at peace, a montage of scenes will play with the major characters from the story. Including: Haschel and Kongol settled in Rouge Village, Meru and Guaraha exploring the world of Endiness, Miranda rejoining her Mother and Sisters at the Crystal Palace, Albert marrying Emille, and Dart leaving a drink by a portrait of Lavitz at his mother's home in Bale. This is significant since, if you will recall, Dart told Lavitz that he owed him a drink for the advice he gave him about Shana during the Hero's Competition in Lohan.

Lastly, we see a happy Dart and Shana, together, watching the rebuilding of Seles as they prepare to embark on a new journey, with the credits following.
After the credits, we see a view of the remnants of the Moon and Divine Tree, where the Dragoon Spirits of Zieg and Rose are nestled together. This brings a conclusion to the Legend of Dragoon and my completionists guide for it. Thank you for reading along with me and viewing my work and I will see you on my next project!