Monday, October 31, 2022

Tales of Symphonia - Chapter 27: Missing Skits

This is a list of the skits that are in the Katz' Village viewer, but are not currently included in my guide and I am unsure how, if you even can, activate them presently. I think a number of these are available based upon whether you go to Palmacosta or Hima/Asgard first early in the game, or if Sheena joins before or after the first invasion of the Asgard Ranch. I plan to do another play at some point and experiment more to try to uncover these and add them to the guide. Feel free to drop me a line from the right-side message box about any of these if you have any information to share.

"Fifteen Years from Now"
Note: No idea. Looks like one of those random Zelos skits that occurs around Meltokio.

"After the Battle"
Note: An end-game skit with Zelos. Maybe this occurs if Zelos was Lloyd's soulmate after he rejoins in Welgaia?

"The Darkness in Mithos"
Note: End-game skit with Kratos after the Derris Emblem. No clue how to activate it.

"Ancestral Obsidian Jewel"
Note: This is connected to the "Fight with Your Feet" skit where you need to drop your Gald to exactly 0 to activate it, but doing this a second time, even building your Gald up to over a million first, doesn't seem to do it for this one. It may have to be done at a certain point in the game, but I dunno.

"Dwarven Pot-Luck Surprise"
Note: This relates to Regal cooking. Perhaps if Regal is the one to cook the Curry for the Gnomelette at the Temple of Earth?

"Kratos and Noishe"
Note: Reads like it should be when you first reach the Tower of Salvation in Sylvarant, but Kratos isn't in your party then.

"The First Pact"
Note: This seems basic enough. Probably has to do with Sheena joining before going to the Palmacosta region and the Thoda Geyser, or, could be related to if she joins after your first trip to the Asgard Ranch.

"The Hole in the Wall"
Note: I've seen this skit before, but can't recall when or where. It may relate to the Palmacosta/Hima choice. Maybe you need to see the scene at the beginning in the Iselia classroom where Colette gets the Klutz title? You can't view it a second time if you carry over your titles to a NG+, though.

"Kratos Trains Lloyd"
"Strange Raine"
Note: Maybe by going to Hima/Asgard first instead of Palmacosta?

"I'm So Tired"
Note: Could be anytime with Zelos, really.

"Born as a Half-elf..."
Note: Sometime in Tethe'alla during the Summon Spirit temple quests , I assume.
"Luin Rebuilt 1"
"Luin Rebuilt 2"
"Luin Rebuilt 3"
"Luin Rebuilt 4"
"Luin Rebuilt!"
"Luin Reborn"
Note: Obviously, these are associated with the rebuilding of Luin. Only the Sylvarant group is required for the first few, but they wouldn't trigger for me early in the game when I started rebuilding (Colette still able to speak), so I suppose these may appear only if you wait and start after returning from Tethe'alla? The last skit requires Zelos.

"Prideful Elves"
Note: After visiting Heimdall at some point.

"Noishe's Mission"
Note: I've seen this skit before, I'm sure of it. It's related to the scene in Heimdall where the party finds out the true nature of Noishe's species. I figure if you forgo viewing this scene until Kratos is in your party at the end of the game, this skit will trigger, however, I am not positive that the scene is still available after Heimdall's destruction.

"It Just Got Hotter!"
Note: I don't believe it's possible to trigger this skit at all; I've tried literally everything. It should occur in the Triet Ruins, or at least the surrounding desert, when going to subjugate Efreet with Sheena while Kratos is still a member of your party early on.

"Get Bored Before Lloyd"
"Seal of Water"
Note: Both of these should activate when traversing the Thoda Geyser dungeon. Again, it may depend on when the dungeon is undertaken since that part of the game is not linear like the rest.
"Test in Ruins"
Note: Could be in any of the Sylvarant seal dungeons.

Note: Probably activates in the Asgard Ranch if you send a party of Lloyd, Raine, and Kratos to face Kvar, but will need to verify. Two skits, "Kind Heart" and "I'm Sorry" occur here if Colette is with Lloyd, so it's likely you cannot see them all.
"Genis' Decision"
Not: This doesn't seem to fit anywhere in the game that I can recall. Ideas?
"Proof for Maxwell"
Note: This should activate after you view Maxwell's monument in Exire and learn you need to equip the required Summon Spirit accessories, but I've never seen it trigger even after continuing the story without talking to Maxwell.
"Flow of Time"
Note: Could occur in either Heimdall or Exire, but I haven't seen it.